Monday, 31 October 2016

Chatter Messenger Missing

As per the Spring '16 release notes, Chatter Messenger: Retiring in Spring ’17 and unavailable and no longer supported for new Salesforce organizations created after Spring '16.
What this means for you: 
                      Chatter Messenger isn’t available in Salesforce orgs created Spring ’16 or later. If you enabled Chatter Messenger before Spring ’16, it remains available in your Salesforce org. Salesforce will no longer support Chatter Messenger as of Spring ’17.

For existing organizations which have been created prior to Spring '16 see:

How do you enable Chatter Messenger?​

Why I can not see Chatter Messenger for my organization with all supported browsers?

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Salesforce Tips

Hide the Label in Visualforce page which has been Binded from Objects:

<apex:inputField value="{!test.Dollar_Value__c}" required="true"  label="" styleClass="dollor"/>  

How to make the Text area or Description Field in Visualforce page to avoid adjusting in size:


  <apex:inputTextArea id="desc" value="{!con.Description}" label="" style=" width:1100px; height:600px; resize: none; ">

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Create Trigger for Checkbox


Assume that you have field as Default( checkbox), If New Record Default  field equal to True update all old records equal to False.
trigger makenewcheckboxtodefault on Account (before insert) {
    list&lt;Account&gt; acc=[select id,Name,Default__c from Account];
       for(integer i =0; i&lt;acc.size();i++){
          if(acc[i].Default__c==true ){
 update acc;

Alternative method:

you can write this logic in Apex class and you can call Apex method name in a Trigger.
To readers:If you need any further assistance and if you find any mistakes  let me know
Create Anything!!! Control Anything!!!