Tuesday, 7 June 2016


Why Error code occurs....???
                                    I just updated Java to 1.8 u25, and now I get this message every time I try to open Eclipse

enter image description here

How to RECOVER From  ECLIPSE ERROR code 13....?????

1) Right-click on Computer and choose Properties.
2) Click Advanced system settings
3) Click Environment Variables...
4) Find the Path variable in the System variables section.
5) Choose it and click Edit...
6) Find and delete the above mentioned path.
This fixed it for me. I should mention that I already have the path:
c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\bin
in the Path variable, but the new path was added to the beginning of the Path variable and therefore resolution would use that path first.
Like this every one will have own path .....so go to Local disk c; >>>  java  >>>find your version number >> bin folder
c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\bin.......
Like this you have to edit the path inSystem variables section.
salesforce cheers!!!


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